Monday, April 20, 2009


So one of the things I was looking forward to do now that Gemma and I are BFF's is check out some Flea Markets, but the season hasn't gotten into full swing yet, plus I haven't found any recommendations for good ones that don't happen on Sundays, so for now I've been checking out the local Thrift and Antique Stores as well as Craig's List for things I've been needing (or wanting, really) for my room.

My desk chair has been broken for a while now, the seat will no longer stay raised, and although it's cute, it's been very annoying trying to work at the computer or sewing machine when I'm about eye level with the desk. So my initial goal was to find a cute chair to re-do a la Design*Sponge, but I wasn't having much luck with the flea market thing and the antique stores were a little pricier. I got lucky and found a chair on Craig's List that was pretty close to what I was looking for and it was only $15!. I wanted something more like this one above, but I'm not about to spend $150-300 on a chair for my desk. My only requirement was that it had a padded seat, since I've been using a pillow from my bed to sit on for the last few months, and for the price of the Craig's List chair I couldn't go wrong. The one I bought looks more like the one to the left (it doesn't have a skirt) but I'm ok with it. So I now have a project to put to use the brown damask fabric I bought a couple weeks ago! I'll have to post a before and after picture when I get it done. I'd like to go with a lighter color really, but I figure I should use what I already have. Plus, it does go with my room.

I also made a great find and I was super excited about! I've been wanting a mirror like this for a while, and I found one that was gold at one of the consignment antique stores I went to and couldn't resist. I brought it home and put a couple coats of blue spray paint on it and voila! I'm really happy with how it turned out! I'll have to take a good picture of it and post it, the lighting in my room was too bad for Edwin last night. I also found a vintage tea cup to go on my dresser and hold some of my jewelry which is another little thing I've been wanting to find for a while. So it was a successful weekend Thrifting!

{ Time for some Design }

1 comment:

Shannon said...

How fun Carly! I went to 5 consignment stores and antique shops on Saturday too. I'm obsessed lately. Wish you were here and we'd go together.