Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More signs of spring

I feel like I'm awaking from a winter funk, or maybe even a hibernation with all the great spring weather (even almost summer-like) we've been having here in Boston lately. Warm weather makes me really really happy. Really, even though I've been frustrated about some things lately, every time I walk outside, I just can't help but smile. I even got some sun this weekend! It's my goal to be "un-pasty" this summer. Not tan, I know that's not really possible for my skin (and also really bad for you), but I just want a little color, a glow, if you will. I'm already on my way and it's only April!

The trees around Harvard are blooming! Another thing that makes me so happy about the arrival of spring and warm weather. I'm hoping to get down to the North End and the Public Gardens soon to see more beautiful spring blooms!

Ok, so I'm feeling random and felt like combining a couple tags that have been floating around my friends blogs in the last little while and make it my own.

5 Things

5 things I'm grateful for right this second:
*the view out my window at work (I love people watching)
*my iPod and rockin' music
*Thai food with friends on a Monday night
*Chick Lit (specifically the historical fiction kind)
*planning my trip to London

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
*graduating from High School, how crazy is that?
*getting ready to start BYU in the summer
*going to California with my Swing Choir for a competition at Disneyland
*injuring my neck during said trip and having to get wheeled across Disneyland and in front of the Hercules Parade (yeah, embarrassing as it sounds)
*having surgery (luckily not because of said injury)

5 places I've lived:
*London, England
*Anchorage, Alaska
*Salt Lake City, Utah
*Houston, Texas
*Boston, Massachusetts

5 jobs I've had:
*Entertainment & Tour Coordinator at a chocolate factory
*Summer "Intern" on the North Slope
*Project Assistant at law firm
*Manuscript Processor at BYU Library
*Book Conservation Technician

5 of my guiltiest pleasures:
*Reality TV (Beauty & the Geek, The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model)
*old fashioned frosted donuts from Starbucks
*Anything fried, especially fried veggies (aka Tempura)
*Shoe shopping
*Celebrity Gossip Mags

5 places I have to visit one day:
*All 50 states, especially Hawaii

5 favorite foods (in the last little while):
*Dr. Pepper
*candy (yes this is a food group, I like anything chocolate, gummy, fruity or cinnamon)
*any kind of potatoes, especially garlic mashed
*Mango Tango Oddwalla Smoothies

5 things that really annoy me:
*slow walkers that walk in the middle of the sidewalk so you can't pass them without being really rude
*the sound of people chewing with their mouths open
*people who don't turn their cell phones off or on silent during movies, performances or church
*guys who think I want to marry them just because I talk to them
*smokers, tourists (see the slow thing) and rude customer service people
*oh, and not having a car (ok, so I know that was more than 5)

And just so I don't end on a sour note:
5 things on my to do list:
*finish my essays and submit my application for Grad school
*go grocery shopping (I'm going to make this amazing recipe from my new MS Everyday Food, "Spinach and Brie stuffed Chicken", wow I'm excited)
*watch American Idol and the results from DWTS
*iron out some plans about London trip
*pick up books on hold at the Library (said Historical fiction... yay)

Ok, well there you have it. I've fulfilled my need to blog and hope you all enjoyed that. If anyone wants to do this tag, feel free! I will have to post pictures from the party I went to last weekend sometime soon. Adding that to my to-do list right now...

Monday, April 14, 2008

The only way to travel

And it continues! The warm weather, while slightly interrupted by some rain, crazy lightning and thunder, and a little cold yesterday, is looking promising. This week the forecast so far is sunny or partly cloudy! And although it was supposed to rain all last weekend, it was actually beautiful on Sat. morning!

Perfectly timed as well, since I needed to run some errands and the only available ZipCar was a Mini Cooper Convertible. I know, my life is hard sometimes. I figure if I can't have a car full time, at least I can drive something fun when I do. And man, was this fun! I didn't think a trip to Target could have gotten any better, but I was wrong, obviously. A fast, fire engine red sports car, with the wind whipping through you hair is the equivalent of a big cherry on top of a banana split. And maybe the whip cream too.

Anyway, I had to commemorate the occasion with some pics on my iPhone. Edwin really is the best, although the same can't be said for my photo skills, my only claim is that some of these were taken while at a light, so I had to hurry. If only the one in front of my house was a permanent sight. Man, am I glad it's spring.

See how cute my house is? And wouldn't it just be so much cuter if this was parked in front all the time? (I'll have to post a photo tour of the house at some time, it's as charming inside as out)

Target is my favorite.

Mmmm.... mini......

Had to take a drvie along the Charles on my way to return the car. This is near Harvard. Sunshine!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A rare sight

Sunshine in Boston! I almost can't believe it. Today was a gorgeous day, it actually got up to 71 degrees! Of course it was windy, so it didn't feel quite that warm, but I'm not complaining! I'll take what I can get!

I sat outside in Harvard Yard to eat my lunch which was an awesome salad from B*Good. Spinach, sesame chicken, carrots, edamame, jicama, and sesame sticks with an orange soy dressing. Total bliss.

This is where I ate my lunch.

This is my yummy salad, half way in...

Then tonight was the opening of the North Bennet Street School student exhibit, which was held down on Newbury St. On such a gorgeous day the place was full of people.

Newbury St.

I love Boston in the Spring!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

English Holiday

So, I'm very excited because this week I bought tickets to London!! Yay! I got an amazing deal, which of course made it pretty much necessary to buy them, so at the end of May I will be heading off to the beautiful English countryside and to old London town, to drink tea and live an English fantasy for a week. I can't wait to explore London again, catch up with old friends and check out the schools I'm applying to! I can't believe it's been 7 years since I was there for study abroad...

Just look at this place!:

I could go to school here!! Wow, that's all I can say. You should really check out their virtual tour, it's beautiful. I will hopefully be able to attend the MA Conservation program there in '09, if all goes as planned. Anyway, I'm just so excited I had to share.

Oh, also as a little update. Thanks everyone for your well wishes! I'm still not 100%, but I started Physical Therapy again this week, which helped a little, I was at least able to walk normally out of the office. I'm still having chest pain and I guess I'm just going to have to wait it out. I had x-rays and everything was pretty normal, so they said, so I guess it will just take time. Thanks again for your thoughts! Keep sending the good vibes my way and hopefully I'll be normal in time for my Holiday!!